- About
- About the Program
- Program Partners
- About Food Safety
- Eligibility
- Am I Eligible?
- Funding Categories
- List of Eligible Activities
- List of Ineligible Activities
- Application Process
- How to make a Claim
- Training
- Industry Training Courses
- Online HACCP Fundamentals Course
- Recognized Certifications and Professionals
- On-Farm Recognized Certifications and Professionals
- Accredited Food Safety Professionals
- Resources
- Covid-19 Resources
- Safe Food For Canadians Regulations (SFCR)
- Download the Program Booklet
- Food Safety Software
- Useful Documents and Links
- Small Business Resource
- BC Industry Councils
- AgriAssurance: Small & Medium Sized Enterprise Component: Applicant Guide
- Industry Events
- Contact
- Program Contacts
- My Profile
Program Partners
Thanks to our national and provincial partners, this program is successfully re-launched by the Food Processing Skills Canada (FPSC). The funding they continue to provide will ultimately improve food safety standards across hundreds of businesses in the province of British Columbia.
The Food Processing Skills Canada (FPSC)
FPSC is your labour, skills and workforce development non-profit organization. Our job is to provide leadership in professionalizing the food and beverage manufacturing industry so that the most important resource – people – are the best in the world. We have developed a national skills strategy which is a proven long-term approach successfully utilized by other Canadian professional sectors. This strategy builds collaborations with industry, government, academia, unions, associations, community organizations and other stakeholders.
Canadian Agricultural Partnership
Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) is a renewed $3 billion federal, provincial, and territorial government commitment to support agriculture.
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The Province of British Columbia
The province has provided leadership for the program in order to support its agri-food businesses. The three following priorities set by the BC Ministry of Agriculture are directly met by the goals of the On-Farm Food Safety (OFFS) Program:
1. Identify and document risks through food safety gap-assessment (or pre-audits) to improve food safety capacity;
2. Proactively mitigate the risks identified through adoption of Good Agriculture Practices (GAPs) or Best Practices (BPs); and
3. Achieve a third-party OFFS or Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) food safety certification through nationally and internationally recognized food safety accreditation bodies.
Funding was provided through Canada Agricultural Partnership (CAP), a $3 billion federal, provincial, and territorial government commitment to support agriculture.
We encourage all eligible businesses, no matter where you are on the food safety spectrum, to apply for program funding!