
Useful Documents

A variety of resources are available to guide your business, educate employees, and develop training and skills. Explore the list below for a sample of what you can find in Canada.

Document Description Link
BC Public Health Act Food Premises Regulation Food Premises Regulation www.bclaws.ca
BC Laws Food Safety Act Food Safety Act www.bclaws.ca
Guide to Food Safety CFIA Guide to Food Safety www.inspection.gc.ca
Guidance Document Repository CFIA guidance repository search for safe food production www.inspection.gc.ca
SAI Global Resource centre Free webinars and white papers on BRC, SQF, GFSI and HACCP www.inspection.gc.ca
BC Public Health Act Food Premises Regulation Food Premises Regulation www.bclaws.ca
BC Food Safety Act Meat Inspection Regulation Meat Inspection Regulation www.bclaws.ca
BC Milk Industry Act Milk Industry Standards Regulation Milk Industry Standards Regulation www.bclaws.ca
BC Fish Inspection Act Fish Inspection Regulations Fish Inspection Regulations www.bclaws.ca
BC Centre for Disease Control Food Safety Resources
  • Educational Materials
  • Guidebooks
  • Guidelines and Forms
  • Reports and plans
BC Food Processors Association Provides lists of information on regulations governing the manufacture of food. www.bcfpa.ca
Canada Business Network If you operate a business in the agriculture and agri-food industry, you play a role in ensuring the health and well-being of Canadians. You should therefore be aware of the regulations that apply to your operations. www.canadabusiness.ca
BC Milk Industry Act Milk Industry Act www.bclaws.ca
BC Government About Traceability www2.gov.bc.ca
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